The Southeast Queens Camera Club holds up to six(6) regular competitions during the period from September to April in four categories: Black and White Prints, Color Prints, Creative Digital and Digital Competition. Both digital entries can be Black and White or Color. The competition schedule will be issued at the first program meeting in September (or before) and published in our newsletter. Competitions take place on the 4th Tuesday of the months of October, November, January, February, March, and April.
A “Best of the Best” competition will be held in May.
On the nights of competitions, the meetings begin at 7:00 pm.
1. The number of images a member may submit per category will be up to 3 Black and White prints, 3 Color prints, 3 Creative Digital, and 3 Digital Images, for a total of 18 images per category per season.
2. A. All prints must be submitted no later than 6:45pm. on the night of competition; digital images are due by midnight on the Friday before competition.
B. Competition scores will range from six (6) to nine (9) points.
Points for club standing will be calculated as follows:
9 score = 3 points
8 score = 2 points
7 score = 1 point
6 score = 0 points
The judge(s) will also select an image as “Image of the Month” in each category from among the top-rated photographs scoring at least eight points. Also 1 bonus point will be awarded providing there is more than one entry in that category.
C. Winning photographs may not be entered in any future Southeast Queens Camera Club competition except for the current season’s “Print and Digital Best of the Best” competition.
Winning photographs in one medium may not be re-entered in a different medium.
Non-winning photographs earning a score of 6 may be re-entered in one competition in any current or future season.
D. Competition Standing scores for each medium will be tabulated during the season for each member and posted in the SEQCC Newsletters. The sum of the points earned during the regular club season will determine the “Photographer of the Year” award winner in the “A” (advanced), “B” (beginning/intermediate), and “S” (Salon) classes.
Any photograph entered into competition may be temporarily retained by the club for entry into other competitions such as the Photographic Federation of Long Island (PFLI) or may be duplicated at the club’s expense for exhibition purposes. These images may also be posted on the Club’s social media platforms unless permission to do so is explicitly denied by the photographer.
Allowance for make-up entries may be made due to special circumstances for a missed competition, but not more than twice per season. The goal of make-ups is to enhance members’ ability to maximize the total number of entries in any category in the course of a given competition season. The maximum number of entries one can enter when doing a make-up will be six (3 regular entries, plus the 3 make-up entries), per category in any one competition. Partial make-ups are not permitted. If a member submits fewer than 3 make-up images in a category in a competition, he/she will have completed the make-up provision and may not submit additional make-up image for that category. Categories, however, can be split; a member has the option, for example, to submit digital make-up images in one competition and their print images in a subsequent competition. A member who competes in multiple categories (i.e., digital, color prints, and black & white prints) need not submit all make-up entries in each category in a single competition; He/she may spread the make-up entries for additional categories across subsequent competitions during the year. The make-up allowance applies only if one misses an entire competition. A member who submits fewer than 3 entries in any category will have satisfied the competition requirement for that category and is not entitled to submit make-up images. NOTE: If a new member joins after the first competition and before the 3rd competition (month of 3rd competition) the maker has the option of making up one of the competitions(s) missed before he/she became a member.
The maximum number of entries a member may submit in any one category in a single competition season is 18.
The policy regarding make-up images is consistent with the competition guidelines of the Photographic Federation of Long Island (PFLI), of which SEQCC is a member.
Previous “PFLI Competition” winning photos entered through other camera clubs may not be entered in Southeast Queens Camera Club’s competition.
Only those members whose dues are paid for the year may compete. Dues must be paid at least one week prior to the competition entry date.