Digital Images: Digital images are to be emailed to prior to midnight Friday before the competition date. Image resolution must be 72 ppi and image size must be 900 pixels on the longest side. They should be named: C35-name(alias)-A1- title of image (if you are in the A group) or if you are in B group, change the A1 to B1, Salon change A1 to S1. Example: C35-JDoe-A1-Windmill.jpg
If an image requires correction for issues related to sizing, naming or other matters, the deadline for submitting the corrected image is 12:00 Noon on the following day (Saturday).Corrected images received after 12:00 Noon will not be entered in the current competition but may be entered in a subsequent competition.
Any photo which is EXACTLY alike in every way, shape, and form to any previous winner of the same maker may be brought to the attention of the Competition Chair for possible disqualification. The determination of the Chair will be final.
Only photographs which conform to the specifications above will be accepted for entry into competition.
Class “B” – Prints, or digital images – All beginners and new members.
Class “A” – Prints, or digital images – B class members who have earned a score of 27 points in any category in a prior year
Class “S” – Prints or digital images – A class members who have achieved a score of 38 points in any category in a prior year
All new members will compete in Class “B” for the first season of club membership.
Any Class “B” photographer who, at the end of the season, has earned at least 27 points in one medium in a given year, shall be placed in the “A” group.
Any Class “A” photographer who has earned at least 38 points in one medium at the end of the season, shall be placed in the Salon group during the following season.
Once promoted, a photographer may not revert to his/her previous classification.
All entries in a competition must be scored and scores must count, with the exception of the
Creative Digital category. Creative Digital images are for exhibition only at the club level, but they will be entered and scored in the Creative competition at PFLI. No images are to be submitted for critique only during a competition.
1. All PFLI entries must have competed in the SEQCC prior to being entered at the PFLI.
2. All SEQCC competition entries shall be considered for possible entry in the PFLI competition at the discretion of the Competition Committee or the Selection Committee.
All competition entries from a particular competition will be returned at the following meeting. No entries will be returned on the night of the competition, no exceptions.
Any member advancing in any one class shall advance to that class in all categories.