Brown Can Provide Warmth and Coziness.
The color brown has many attributes. In an artist’s skillful hands the color can be used to create a mysterious mood, bring a warm sustaining glow, soothe our frazzled nerves, provide a rich deep background for other colors to shine forth, or remind us about what we love about the colors of nature, earth, a furry beloved animal”
Jean Bain – “It is the color of nature in the late fall, winter, and early spring”
Doris King
“It is my connection to home. .. family…. a warming brownie … delicious, plain addictive and a wonderful mood booster!”
Renee Y. Harper – The color Brown reveals comfort in earth, and the color of my beautiful people with their beautiful skin tones. ”
Carlton Johnson – “It is everywhere, capturing it to make it interesting was a challenge.”
Dotti Anita Taylor
“It was the warmth of their color, the light dancing on them and the design of the setting that led me taking these planters.”
John Mayes
” Brown Leaves symbolize nature, autumn, life and death.”
Corona Johnson
“Finding shadows in reddish brown variations while strolling through Astoria Park.”
Nyree Cyrus Williams
” I thought of the color brown and how it relates to skin color.”
External Venue Committee
Doris King, Chairperson, Curator
Nyree Cyrus-Williams, Curator
Renée Yolanda Harper, Curator