Executive Board 2019-2021

Executive Committee Members 2019 – 2020

The Executive Committee is SEQCC’s governing body. The EC consists of four elected officers, Founders, Chairpersons of the Standing Committees, PFLI Delegate(s) and Members at Large.

The Elected Officers

President: Manager and Coordinator of SEQCC. The President is responsible for the selection of committee chairpersons. Every new President will select the persons he/she wants to work with during their administration.

Vice-President: Shall aid the President in the discharge of his/her duties and shall carry out such other duties as may be designated by the President.

Secretary: Implements recording of minutes and other duties defined by our By-laws.

Treasurer: Financial manager of SEQCC.

The Chairs/Co-Chairs


We have four Founders who are permanent members of the Executive Committee and act as advisers. While the Founders are not a formal committee, they are called upon periodically to fulfill special tasks.